Resources on State Recount and Contested Election Laws

[Correction: Professor Tokaji informs me that the page I linked to is no longer accessible from Moritz’s main page and has not been kept updated since 2004 or so. My mistake. If anyone knows of more recent compilations, let me know and I will add them to this post]. 

What’s that you say? Where can I find a 12-year old CRS report listing state recount and contested election statutes? Amazingly enough, I have one right here.

The truth is I am cleaning some files, and the hard copy of this report is going in the recycle bin. I couldn’t find the report or a more recent version of it online and, despite its age, it seems worth preserving. A quick google search reveals a couple of other useful sources (here is a summary of state recount laws that is kept up to date [see correction] by Professor Dan Tokaji at Moritz College of Law and here is a 1990 report on state procedures for resolving contested federal elections from the EAC website).  I add the CRS report for whatever additional value it can provide.